Brighton Hill Community School Information

"Hello to all students, parents and carers, I would like to introduce myself as the Head of Year 7 and Transition Learning Manager at Brighton Hill Secondary School. It is my job to ensure the transition to secondary school is as best as it can be. I spend time in all the junior schools, getting to know as many of the pupils as I can, to aid what sometimes can be a worrying time. I work with the year 6 teachers, to help us understand how we can help each pupil settle in September at Brighton Hill. We pride ourselves on our relationships with Hatch Warren Junior school and I look forward to meeting many of you in the near future
If you would like any further information on transition or anything to do with Brighton Hill school, please feel free to email me at or contact the school on 01256 350606. Alternatively follow our school twitter feed for live updates @BrightonHillSch
Mr Dan Du-Heaume
Head of Year 7