Contact Details
Please contact Mrs Lisa Knoll, Mrs Jodi Charteris or Mrs Eve Rynott in the school office who deal with queries from parents and / or members of the general public. The school office is open from 8.30am until 4.00pm each day and we are happy to deal with any enquiries either in person or over the phone on 01256 328252
If you have a specific issue relating to SEND the office can put you in contact with Mrs Heidi Murphy, the school SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator).
If you have any issues relating to financial concerns please contact Mrs Caroline Ryan, our School Business Manager who may be able to signpost you to support.
If you have any family concerns that you feel the school may be able to help with please contact Mrs Helen Turner our Home School Link Worker who will be happy to offer help and support where she can.
Hatch Warren Junior School (DFE: 8502761)
Gershwin Road
RG22 4PQ
Telephone: 01256 328252
Disabled Access to the site
Please note we have disabled parking available on site and we operate on a ground level all around the site, there are no steps anywhere on site. If you require access to disabled parking please contact the office on arrival when you will be directed to these facilities
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