Year 5
Year 5 - Swimming Timetable - Spring Term 2025
Wednesday 9th October
What a great day! We arrived around 10.30am and went straight into the activities. Group A carried out a tracks and signs activity. This had them walking around the conservation area looking for signs of wildlife. They looked for food remains, habitats and footprints. Afterwards, they made their own mammal hotel which included some hay and food. The children then put these out in the conservation area and we are looking forward to seeing what mammals stayed the night when we look in the hotels tomorrow. Group B had a go at the Earthquake. This involved them carrying different equipment around an obstacle course and working as a team. They absolutely loved it and we were very impressed with how many of them had the confidence to swing over lava leap. In the evening the children were treated to wildlife photography and it was great seeing their stunned faces looking at the amazing photographs of the different animals found in the wild. As I type this the children are looking very tired and we are hoping they have enough energy to go to the hide later. Fingers crossed they get to see the animals up close. Hopefully the children will get a good night’s sleep ready for another busy day tomorrow.
Thursday 10th October
Another busy day at Stubbington. The children took some time to settle down last night but in the end they all managed to get a reasonable amount of sleep. Group A started the day by opening their mammal hotels. It was great seeing the children’s faces as one of the hotels was opened up to find a bank vole inside. The children named him Bramble Junior and they were lucky enough to see him up close. Group B went down to Stubbington beach and made pictures out of shells. The children enjoyed looking around the beach and some even found some very interesting fossils. In the afternoon, Group A took part in Earthquake and again it was great seeing them have a go at the obstacles with such confidence. Meanwhile, Group B were setting out their mammal hotels and looking forward to seeing what they find tomorrow morning. This evening we played a wide game which involved the children out finding the teachers around the grounds and working out who had committed a crime. The children loved it and as I type this they are all now fast asleep after an extremely busy day.
Friday 11th October
Last day already! The children slept well last night and were all enjoying their breakfast this morning. Group A had a lovely time at the beach. The sun was out and they thoroughly enjoyed looking for shells. Meanwhile, Group B opened their mammal hotels and found a bank vole and long-tailed field mouse. They learnt all about how the mammals are adapted to their environment. The badger children won the dorm contest with the tidiest rooms. Overall, the children have shown excellent tidying skills and you should expect this to continue at home (hopefully!). As I write this, the children are having their lunch ready for the return trip. The catering staff have told us how polite and well-mannered the children have been during the mealtimes, which has made us very proud. Overall, it has been a great stay and the children have done the school proud.
Stubbington parent meeting powerpoint (17/9/24)
Stubbington forms Oct 2024
Key dates for the year group (AUTUMN term 2024-25):
Tuesday 17th September 2024 - Stubbington parent meeting (6pm)
Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Friday 11th October 2024 - Stubbington residential
Friday 18th October 2024 - Parent outcome afternoon (2.30pm)
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 - Parent / Teacher meetings (3.40-6.10pm)
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 - Parent / Teacher meetings (3.40-6.10pm)
Key dates for the year group (SPRING term 2024-25)
Wednesday 15th January - Friday 28th March - Swimming (Class 9/7: Wednesdays / Class 8: Fridays)
Friday 24th January - QMC science trip (Class 9)
Friday 7th February - QMC science trip (Class 7)
Thursday 13th February - QMC science trip (Class 8)
Friday 14th February - INSET day
Monday 17th March - Portals to the past: Ancient Greek workshop
Key dates for the year group (SUMMER term 2024-25)
Friday 16th May - Selborne river trip (Cl 7 / half of Cl8)
Monday 19th May - Selborne river trip (Cl 9 / half of Cl8)
Friday 23rd May - INSET day
Thursday 3rd July - Brighton Hill transition day
Welcome to Year 5
The teachers in Year 5 are Miss Maylam (Class 7), Mr Hartley (Class 8 and Year Leader) and Mrs Taft (Class 9).
We also have teaching assistants who will be working in the year group - Mrs Lomasney, Mrs Martyn, Mrs Serreau-Nardi, Ms Green, Miss Evans and Mrs Kundi.
Each week, the children will have two sessions of PE - one indoor session (Thursday) and one outdoor session (Tuesday). In this Spring term, the children will have one session of swimming a week which will take the place of their Thursday PE session. Children should come in to school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Please follow the link below to find out more about our PE uniform expectations:
Home Learning
During the week, we will set home learning tasks - these will be reading, maths and spellings. The reading will be on the Purple Mash website and will include 5 comprehension questions. The maths homework will be linked to their times tables using the TT rockstars website. The children will be asked to learn 3 words each week from the year 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists.
Home learning will all be set on a Thursday and then due back in on the following Tuesday. As we are trying to develop the independence of the children, it will be their responsibility to complete their work on time.
Our Curriculum
Topics: Autumn
English - Persuasive / Informative / Narrative writing
Maths - Multiplying and dividing (by 10, 100, 1000) / Fractions (equivalence, +- , mixed numbers) / Time (converting) / Angles (types)
History - Benin Kingdom
Science - Fossils, geological time and classification
Art - Wire sculptures
Computing - Excel
RE - Prophesy
PSHE - Valuing differences
PE - Social / cognitive
French - All about ourselves
Topics: Spring
English - Balanced argument / Suspense writing / Information
Maths - Angles / Fractions and Decimals / Percentages / Addition and Subtraction / Statistics
History - Ancient Greeks
Science - Forces / Earth and Space
Computing - Word / Scratch
RE - Belonging / Eucharist
PSHE - Keeping myself safe / Rights and Respect
PE - Swimming
French - That's tasty! / Family and Friends
DT - Structures / Food Technology
Topics: Summer
English - The Silver Swan (Narrative) / River pollution (Persuasive) / Medieval monarchs (Biography) / Cloudbusting (Poetry)
Maths - Fractions / Multiplication / Division / Properties of numbers / Geometry
Science - Earth and Space / Animals including humas / RSE
Topic - Rivers (Geography) / Medieval monarchs (History)
Art - Rivers (Monet) / Portraits (Monarchs)
PE - Creative (RealPE) / Athletics / Golf / Health and fitness
Computing - iMovie / Scratch
RE - God / Umma
PSHE - Being my best / Growing and changing
French - School life / Time travelling
For further information about the curriculum, follow the link below:
What have we been up to...