Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
The teachers in Year 4 are Mr Cocks (Year Leader, Class 5), Miss O'Connell (Class 4) and Mr Moore (Class 6).
Our LSAs in Year 4 are:
Each week, the children will have two sessions of PE - one indoor session (Monday) and one outdoor session (Wednesday). Children should come in to school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Please follow the link below to find out more about our PE uniform expectations:
Home Learning
In Year 4, all our home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due on Tuesday.
Each week we will set 2 main pieces of home learning - reading and times tables. The homework is designed to help the children consolidate or extend work that they have been doing in class. The reading home learning will be set on Purple Mash ( It will include a reading comprehension task and some other short activities related to the text. Reading at home with an adult each evening is encouraged as this will help with their comprehension task. Maths homework is currently TT Rockstars practice in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check in June.
Follow the link below to the 'If you like...try...' book suggestion lists.
What we are learning this term:
Our main topics for the Sring terms are 'Vikings' and 'Migration.' In the first half term, our history unit is 'Vikings' and we will be following on from out Anglo-Saxon topic in the Autumn term. In the second half term we will be looking at a geography unit focusing on 'Migration'.
For more detailed information about what we are learning, please see the 'Curriculum' section of the website.
What have we been up to?...