Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
Key dates for the year group (Autumn term):
Thursday 10th October - Walk to Brighton Hill (Geography)
Friday 18th October 2024 - Parent outcome afternoon (2.30pm)
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 - Parent / Teacher meetings (3.40-6.30pm)
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 - Parent / Teacher meetings (3.40-6.30pm)
Monday 4th November - INSET day
Wednesday 6th November - Y3/4 reading café (9-10am)
Wednesday 4th December - Portals to the Past - Stone Age workshop (in school)
Key dates for the year group (Spring term):
Friday 7th February - Parent outcome afternoon (2.30pm)
Friday 14th February - INSET day
Friday 4th April - Outdoor learning day (in school)
Key dates for the year group (Summer term):
Friday 16th May - Ufton Court trip - Romans
Tuesday 17th June / Friday 20th June - Class trips to QMC Science Centre - Forces and Magnets
Monday 7th July - INSET day
All about the Year 3 team
In Year 3, our teachers are Mrs Chappell (Year 3 Team Leader), Miss Smith and Mrs Bishop. We are also supported by our dedicated Learning Support Assistants (LSAs): Mrs Kersley, Mrs Loyal, Mrs Martyn, Miss Biles, Mrs Brownhill, Mr Brown, Mrs Dodgson, Miss Fisher. They will support us during the day, in and out of the classroom.
PE in Year 3
Each week, the children will have two sessions of PE - one indoor session (Tuesday) and one outdoor session (Thursday). Children should come in to school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Please follow the link below to find out more about our PE uniform expectations:
Home Learning
Each week, we will set home learning tasks for the children to complete. One will be a reading based activity on Purple Mash. Maths home learning will be set on TTRockstars.
The children have also been given the list of Year 1/2 spelling or year 3/4 spellings. They need to choose 3 words each week to practise and at the end of the term, we will test them on words from the list.
All homework will be set on a Thursday and should be returned the following Tuesday.
Follow the link below to the 'If you like...try...' book suggestion lists.
What we are learning this term:
Topics: Autumn
Geography - UK Map Skills
History - Prehistoric Britain Stone Age
Science - Animals including humans / Light
Art - Pointillism
DT - Textiles - creating a soft toy
Computing - E-safety / Scratch
RE - Remembering / Angels
PSHE - Valuing differences / Me and my relationships
PE - Personal / Tag Rugby
French - Getting to know you / All about me
Music - voice
Topics: Spring
Geography - Villages, towns and cities
History - Prehistoric Britain Iron and Bronze Age
Science - Plants / Properties of materials
Art - Clay pots
DT - Structures - desk tidies
Computing - Touch typing / Scratch
RE - Freedom / Ritual
PSHE - Keeping safe in school / People and their work
PE - Gymnastics / Netball / Frisbee
French - Food glorious food / Family and friends
Music - Bamboo tamboo
For more detailed information about what we are learning, please see the 'Curriculum' section of the website.
What have we been up to ...
Phonics at Hatch Warren Junior School
At Hatch Warren Juniors, we use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme to support reading development across the school. To find out further information about our phonics scheme, follow the link below to our 'Reading at Hatch Warren Juniors' page. There are also some useful parent information videos there which explain the phonics approach to learning to read.