Travelling to school
Year 6 transition to Year 7
During the summer term, the Road Safety Team would like to help prepare parents and Year 6 children transitioning to secondary school safely.
For many of your parents, allowing their child to walk or cycle to secondary school can be a big step. Parents often want their children to walk or cycle with friends but feel anxious about the traffic on the roads and personal safety. Route Guard is a new app which helps families to plan travel together and provides reassurance for parents and young people alike.
It is secure, promotes independence and uses real time data so parents know where their child is and can be notified should they leave their agreed route. The resources are free for schools to use and costs £2.99 for parents to register and use the app.
Please click on the PDF above for more information.
Road Safety Newsletter Summer 2022
Can you get to school without using a car?
We encourage parents and children to make the environmentally sound decision to come to school in as smart a way as possible. If you can walk to school (or cycle, car share, park and stride) then please do so. It will help reduce congestion and look after our planet in a small way.
Thanks for your support!
Park and Stride