Maths Test
There are three maths papers; one arithmetic paper and two reasoning papers.
The arithmetic paper covers pure questions across all area, including the 4 operations, place value, negative numbers, mental methods, fractions/decimals/ percentages and BIDMAS. Pupils are given 30 minutes to complete this paper.
The two reasoning papers test the children on maths in context - all learning will be put into word or diagram form and the children can apply their understanding to solve the questions. Often reasoning questions are multi-step, for example, pupils may need to multiply or divide to convert measures before adding or subtracting to reach the final answer. Pupils are given 40 minutes per paper.
Together the paper cover the whole KS2 curriculum, so questions will cover Year 3 learning through to Year 6. As such, there may be questions that some pupils may find tricky to answer. Pupils are encouraged to show their working, especially 2 mark questions which test the understanding of the formal methods.
Ways to help your child prepare for the reading test
•Understand the formal methods for the four operations, including using decimals. For more information on the formal methods, please refer to the calculation policy, which can be found on the maths curriculum pages of the website.
•Completing the homework tasks that have been set each week, linked to the revision topics covered in school.
•Talking through the papers your child has completed in class and has brought home. This can include looking at the different types of questions and discussing how the question could be answered.
•Practice tests - arithmetic and reasoning test papers, including the answers, have been included in the links below.