Physical Education
Subject Leader: Mr Cocks
Our vision for PE:
At Hatch Warren Junior School, it is our vision that all children are given the opportunity to participate in regular physical activity in a way that enables them to believe in their ability, while at the same time developing a love of exercise. We feel that PE also offers an excellent opportunity for children to build on their team work and communication skills which will help them gain the most from all areas of the school curriculum.
Our aim is to provide physical education that is underpinned by the National Curriculum and builds on fundamental movement skills. In addition, our objective is to teach in a way that means children will:
- Work cooperatively as part of a team, in a manner that fits with our school values: inspire, believe, persevere and achieve
- Inspire themselves and others to rise to personal challenge
- Persevere to help them improve
- Believe in their own ability
- Achieve results and be proud
- Understand how the fundamental skills will help them improve their performance and enjoyment
- Develop movement skills that can be applied across multiple games and sports
- Enjoy using the skills to compete
- Understand the value of lifelong participation in physical activity
We also aim to provide the chance for as many children as possible to compete and improve their skills by participating in competition during lessons, after school clubs and inter-school competitions.
By participating in PE at Hatch Warren Juniors, we hope that children will build on their enthusiasm for exercise and continue to enjoy physical activity for the rest of their lives.