Time box opening
Twenty-five years after being sealed up the school time box was opened in a special assembly on Friday of last week. All of the present staff and pupils were joined by a number of special guests, including ex-pupils and staff who were at the school at the time along with Maria Miller; our local MP who officially opened the box. Mr Burrows, who was head teacher at Hatch Warren Junior School for around 10 years, and Mr Cushing, who had been deputy head at the time when the box was first sealed both spoke to the children in assembly along with several other members of staff. They told the children all about what the school was like twenty-five years ago and how it has changed since 1991. Once the box had been opened it revealed a number of fascinating items topped off by a letter from the head teacher at the time, Mr Milner. In the letter he introduced the items that had been placed into the box by the staff and children from the seven classes who were in the school at the time. Having opened the box and explored the contents we are planning to create a special display in school so all of the children can see close up what has been hidden away for so long. Once this has been viewed by everyone the school council has plans to then re-seal away the contents back into the box which will be returned to the wall for another twenty-five years. Alongside the original time box the children are keen to create a new capsule to include items from today which tell everyone about the current school and what it is like. Ideas for what could go into the new box are being sought from the pupils by the school council. We will let you know once this has all been finalised!
The time box contained a variety of items from the seven classes (although there were 8 classrooms class 4 was used as a music room). The letter discovered at the top of the box contained a letter from Mr Milner (head teacher at the time) which read as follows;
To whom it may concern
I hope that the opening of the time box has produced a few ideas. The school will be twenty-five years old. When we opened there were seven classes and some two hundred children. Here are the contributions from the seven classes—
Class 1—video of the school and a computer disc of the school magazine (Mr Simon Cushing)
Class2—school class lists and logo (Mrs Brenda Anderson)
Class 3 Descriptions and sketches of the school by the children (Mrs Irene Stacey)
Class 5 - a calculator and a piece of handwriting (Mr Simon Francis)
Class 6— a map of Basingstoke and some stamps (Miss Christine Boyd)
Class 7—a top ten video (Miss Lisa Norwood)
Class 8—a ‘welcome’ letter and a review sheet of their work (Miss Sarah Longmore)
I hope all goes well. I am sure Hatch Warren will have thrived. It has some lovely children, a beautiful building and a caring staff. Time should be as kind as it can ever be.
Eric Milner